Timetable for Ecological Surveys



Dormice are orangey brown with a white belly and a furry tail. They are nocturnal and live in woodland and hedges. Nest tube surveys May to November


Bats are found in rural and urban areas and use different roosting places for nesting, breeding and hibernating. Only licensed bat workers are allowed to enter roosts or capture and handle bats. Roost activity May to September


Habitat Creation Services Sussex

There are six species of reptile in the UK: common lizards, sand lizards, slow-worms, adders, grass snakes and smooth snakes. They like grassland areas with open areas for basking. Presence and absence surveys April to September but avoid periods of very hot weather.

Great Crested Newts

Great crested newts are amphibians, they have orangey yellow bellies with black spots. They are found mostly on land but breed in ponds and are usually within 500m of a pond. Pond surveys March to June. Survey license required.

Breeding Birds

Birds may be found breeding on construction sites. Nesting sites should only be inspected by experienced ecologists and work should stop in the immediate area. Surveys March to August.


Otters occur in rural and urban areas and will use any size of watercourse. They shelter in a variety of places including tree roots, boulders and old rabbit burrows. Presence and absence surveys all year round but Autumn, Winter and early Spring are easiest times to survey due to vegetation die-back.

Water Voles

Water Vole 2

Water voles have chestnut brown fur, a round face and short tail. They are found in slow-flowing rivers, ditches, dykes and around lakes and ponds with steep banks and vegetation. Presence and absence surveys March to October


Badger Protection Works

Badgers are up to a metre long and live in groups in underground setts. They are nocturnal and leave well-worn paths, dung-pits and scratching posts in the their territories. Presence and absence surveys all year long but Autumn, Winter and early Spring are easiest due to vegetation die-back.